It's okay Mom

Sir Bryce
Visiting Sam & Susie
We drove up to Nixa this Saturday to spend the weekend with Sam and his girlfriend, Susie. They just recently moved to a beautiful home in Nixa, which is only about an hour and a half from where we reside, so we get to see them pretty often. Faith just adores Susie and I'm afraid that she follows her around like puppy dog....but, it's really cute. I do wonder if Susie would rather her privacy from time to time, but she and Faith hang out like best friends when they're together and Susie seems to have a lot of fun as well. Faith tends to really cling to women who are eccentric and fun, and Susie is right up her alley. I'll give you a little history on Susie's introduction to my family.....at first she was Sister Susie, we really aren't sure why Faith called her this.....then when that phase wore off, she became Uncle Susie, which was Faith's way of relating her to Uncle Sam.....and now, after several months, she's been calling her Aunt Susie. I think this is much more fitting :) Anyway, we spent the weekend just visiting and watching movies and bowling :) Faith's high score was an 87 and I think she may have beat me and Susie both a time or two :) She had two strikes and two spares in one game, which is much more than I can say for myself. Anyway, we had a really great time this weekend and were very thankful for Sam and Susie's hospitality....Susie even went out and bought Faith her own shampoo for the bath....she's a very thoughtful woman.....and I was very thankful for it, because I had forgotten to bring Faith's with us! (Mommy brain is what I like to call that, you remember every thing to dress the child down to the underwear, but when you get there, you are missing shampoo and toothpaste! Never fails!) Anyway, I was very thankful that Susie thought of it. So, here are some pictures from the weekend. Thanks Sam and Susie for allowing us to invade your home for the weekend....we had a great time! :)
Allergies & Asthma

Noah's Ark
She finally got it!! The rainbow is a reminder of God's promise to never flood the entire earth again. I am so proud of her! It just proves how easily a child can learn God's words if you just teach it to them....and I'll admit that I learn a lot during the process as well! Jack got Faith a KIDZ Bible on cd for the car and we've been listening to it every day, it's amazing to see how quickly she picks up the stories. We've really been enjoying the cd...thanks Jack. Anyway, here is a video of Faith talking about Noah's Ark and also some pictures of her artwork on the concrete.
This is her submarine.
Our Labor Day Weekend

We also met Jack and Wanda in Houston to eat on Monday and then go bowling. It was Faith’s first bowling experience and she got an 85! We had a lot of fun, we always appreciate it when family will meet us somewhere so we can visit…even if it’s just for a couple of hours.