Faith turned Five years old today. We had her birthday party this weekend and I'll try to post some pictures later, I don't have the camera here with me right now. It's been a strange day, I've found myself thinking about the past a lot. I keep asking myself "Can she really be Five?" It seems like just yesterday when I was bringing her home from the hospital in her cute little Raggedy Ann shirt. This may sound silly to some of you, but all I kept thinking about today was that we are a quarter of the way finished with our time with Faith in our home. Those five years won't come back. These five years have gone by so quickly that I really do worry that I'll blink and miss the next five and the next five and then only have a few left before she rushes off to college or marriage or her career. Can this really be happening.....is she really growing up this fast? Strangely enough, I miss her being my tiny baby, I miss her coos and her little baby cries. I miss everything about her that is gone now. There is a country song by Trace Adkins right now that says:
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
That song explains it word for word. I think so often that we take for granted our present. We get busy with the to-do list not realizing that our children are growing into adults in the blink of an eye. Even right now, I'm sitting here on this blog typing about how much I miss her. Guess it's time to go.
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