The Miller Family

My sister, Joni, was married to Brent Miller on October 13th. I would have posted about it sooner, but I didn't want to post it until I had some of her pictures done. The wedding was really nice and Joni looked radiant. Aside from the beautiful bride, Bryce was pretty much the "star of the show". When Joni and Brent went to light the candles, Bryce yelled "oooh, good job!" Then during their first dance, he looked over at them and said "Wooooweeee Mommy!" It was really adorable. Anyway, the events of the day went over pretty much without a "hitch". There are always little things here and there, but nothing major and nothing that we couldn't take care of. The wedding was very pretty and everyone had a great time at the reception.

Faith was the flower girl and she was very excited to have her hair all curly, so she had a great day. She also had her very first ever "boy-girl" dance with a boy who wasn't her Daddy. Seems like she has a bit of an "adoring" for AJ, who was the ring bearer. I think they danced three times, once because Faith fell and was crying and AJ told her if it would make it better that he would dance with her one more time. Seems like our gender figures out very quickly how to use tears to their advantage! Anyway, to bring this to an end, the wedding was great, my baby sister is married to a great man and we're all very happy for them.


Angela M. Littlejohn said...

The pictures look great! Did you do these? (I know you and Josh were videoing) Tell Joni we said Congratulations--I know we thought of you all that day and thought how perfect the weather was for a wedding. (Faith looks too grown up! :)

Jennifer said...

Yes, I took the pictures. Josh did the video taping. We kept getting in eachother's way during the wedding! It was a beautiful day outside, so it was perfect for a wedding :) Faith did look grown up, Josh thought she looked to old with her hair curled like that. Hope to see you next weekend, I'll get with you all and let you know for sure what we have going on. Love ya.