
Some of you know that Faith was not sleeping well since last week, she would take about 3 hours to fall alseep and wake up an hour earlier than usual. She was also having some headaches and pains in her ears as well. I thought about taking her back to the doctor, but decided to call instead. I contacted her ashtma/allergy doctor Monday morning to see if he had any suggestions or might know what is causing it. The Advair HFA, which she just started last week, has some side effects...three of those being restlessness, ear pain and headaches. So, he pulled her off the Advair and back on the QVar until we see him next month. Her appointment next month was going to be a routine follow up, but Dr. Lux has decided to do a Peak Flow Test and Lung Function Test to get a better idea of what needs to be done for her. So, for now I am a bit relieved....she has slept well the past few nights and hasn't complained of any pains of any kind and even with the weather changes as they've been this week, her allergies and asthma seem okay. We'll see what he says next month.

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