
Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. (Luke 15:7)
On my sidebar (left), I have a daily scripture from CWO and this was today's scripture. This is something I've been praying about often and really trying to focus on. This shows the importance of witnessing to others and letting God use our words and our hands to bring his children home to him. I felt like this scripture says a lot and just wanted to share it with you all. Have a great day.

Christmas at Home

We spent Christmas Day at home again this year. It's tradition to have Faith home on Christmas morning. She didn't wake up until 8:30, but she tore right into her presents and has been enjoying them since. We watched the Nativity Story after opening gifts and I think this was a perfect film to show Faith the importance of Jesus' birth. The rest of the day we spent relaxing and spending time together. We had dinner with my family and got into bed at a decent hour to get some rest before heading back to work today.
(I think this is Faith's favorite gift. It is the VSmile Art Studio that you attach to the VSmile Learning System. She has used them both a lot already!)

(Here are a few pictures of Faith opening gifts, I love her faces!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Eventful Holidays....

Our Christmas season started on December 15th this year with Littlejohn Christmas in West Plains.

(Top: Wanda, Gideon, Jack & Evie Bottom: Payton, Faith & Anthony.)
We had a great weekend there. Christmas on Saturday, Church and Evie's birthday party on Sunday and then back home. These children are spoiled rotten by their grandparents....yes, we get it from both sides of the family. We're very thankful to have two great sets of grandparents to love Faith.
Faith had her first school concert on Monday night. She looked very beautiful in her dress and did well with singing. This video is one of the songs they performed, this is the K4 class.
Tuesday was her school Christmas party and she was out for Christmas break at noon that day. She will return to school after the new year.

(Faith and Tekiah)
We had an impromptu suprise birthday party for Sam on Sunday. He knew that they were staying with us Sunday night, however, he didn't know that Jon & his family were there and Susie's sister and her family were there, so he was really suprised.
Monday, Christmas Eve, we spent with my family.
I don't have a picture of everyone together, so I'll just post a couple random pictures. My Dad decided to get the kids a 4 wheeler to ride at his house and that was the biggest excitement of the evening. We opened gifts, sang some karaoke and ate a lot. It was a great evening.
(These are some of the Smith grandchildren. Kids from left to right: Faith, Sierra, Tillie Bryce & Brentnee (behind Bryce), Hannah and Hayden.)
Our Holidays are always full of hustle and bustle, but it is worth it when you get to see so much of your family. We don't get to see some of the family as often as we would like, so the holidays are a true blessing to bring everyone together.


I came across this video that I made of Faith....made me realize how big she is getting. I sure miss her at this age, she's growing up way too fast!